LCM Little Learners #4630

Wednesday February 19

8:30 AM  –  10:00 AM

MEMBERS: BE SURE TO LOG IN (upper right) to receive your discounted program pricing. 

Little Learners at the Lincoln Children’s Museum is a weekly education program designed specifically for children ages 2-4 years old with a caregiver.

Each program session lasts six weeks long, with activities valuing
the whole child to support healthy bodies and minds.

Members: $105
Non-Members: $130

Registration is non-refundable and non-transferable.


  • "Registrant 1: Attendee Name" in the form should be the caregiver's information that will attend with the child each week. *Person attending with child must be age 16 or over. 
  • "Emergency Contact 1": Please provide an adult's information that will NOT be attending the weekly program, but someone who can be contacted in case of emergency.